About us

Psycho Trust, Claret Nagar, Vennaimalai, Karur 639 002 TN, India:  Ensuring Child Rights in Karur District


Our Mission

" Every child has the right to survival, protection, development and participation. And ensure right to every women for their emancipation and economical independence."

Profile of the Organization

Name: Psychological and Community Health Organization Trust [PSYCHO TRUST]

Establishment : 1992

Chief Functionary : Mr. J. Christuraj, Managing Trustee

Trust Reg. No. 11/92

Contact Information

Telephone            +91 4324 223482, 221483
FAX                     +91 4324 223482
Postal address   Claret Nagar, Vennaimalai, Karur 639 002 TN, India
Electronic mail    General Information: christrj@sacnaharnet.in
                  Webmaster: jtandrews@bitmesra.ac.in
Web :              http://psychotrust.tripod.com